Protect your product on its long journey to reach its destination.
Ocean Cargo & Stock Throughput
Stock Throughput Policies (STP) are designed for companies that import, distribute, or export merchandise. A STP is a form of marine coverage that insures a company’s goods throughout the supply chain, from production to final destination. From raw materials to works-in-progress to finished goods, a Stock Throughput Policy provides comprehensive protection for your products in the event of damage or catastrophe.
What are the benefits of a Stock Throughput policy?

All-Risk, No-Gap Coverage
Goods can be covered from the moment the insured assumes an interest in those goods to the moment that interest ceases, even if the goods in question are in the hands of a third party.

Lower Premiums
The marine cargo insurance market can provide substantially lower rates than traditional property markets, thus enabling considerable savings.

Lower Deductibles
The marine cargo markets allow for lower deductibles for CAT (e.g. hurricane, wind, earthquake and flood) and non-CAT risks, and a fixed rather than percentage deductible can apply.

Selling Price Valuation
Stock can be valued on the selling price, thereby including the profit element and potentially reducing the need for business interruption coverage.

No Time Limitations
Coverage continuous on the goods in transit and storage as long as the insured is at risk. Also declaration is typically not required.
Interested in an insurance proposal at no obligation or cost?
Need more food insurance coverages?
Product Recall Insurance | Credit Insurance | Surety Bonds
Business Disaster Insurance | Fiduciary Liability Insurance | Crime, Riots & Civil Disorder
Ocean Cargo & Stock Throughput | Cyber Crime | Business Interruption Insurance
Directors and Officers Insurance | Errors and Omissions Insurance | Pollution Liability Insurance
Product Liability Insurance | Commercial Property Insurance | Business Auto Insurance
Workers’ Compensation Insurance | Commercial Umbrella Liability | Cyber Liability Insurance

Coughlin Insurance Services, Inc.
178 Myrtle Boulevard, Floor 2, Larchmont, NY 10538
Toll Free : (800) 542-0661
Tel: (914) 834-1234 Tel: (212) 593-0200