Let us help protect you from the fallout of a product recall.
Product Liability Insurance
Product Liability insurance can help protect you if your business faces a lawsuit from the fallout that occurs in the event your product causes injury or other damage to third parties, even if a product is used incorrectly. Product Liability insurance isn’t just for companies that manufacture products. Any company that sells, distributes or designs products would also do well to enroll in business liability insurance. Without this protection, companies risk everything.

Design Defects
Design defects are claims related to the product issues that were present even before it was made.

Manufacturing Defects
Manufacturing defects are claims related to problems that occurred while the product was being created or assembled.

Lack of Warnings
Warning or use defects are claims that the seller failed to provide adequate labels or warnings on risks and proper use.

Strict Liability
Strict liability is a claim that is based on the absence of negligence but where injury or damage resulted from proper use.
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Need more food insurance coverages?
Product Recall Insurance | Credit Insurance | Surety Bonds
Business Disaster Insurance | Fiduciary Liability Insurance | Crime, Riots & Civil Disorder
Ocean Cargo & Stock Throughput | Cyber Crime | Business Interruption Insurance
Directors and Officers Insurance | Errors and Omissions Insurance | Pollution Liability Insurance
Product Liability Insurance | Commercial Property Insurance | Business Auto Insurance
Workers’ Compensation Insurance | Commercial Umbrella Liability | Cyber Liability Insurance

Coughlin Insurance Services, Inc.
178 Myrtle Boulevard, Floor 2, Larchmont, NY 10538
Toll Free : (800) 542-0661
Tel: (914) 834-1234 Tel: (212) 593-0200